On the left is Addison, in the patriotic board shorts. Up above is our Ella Amberley in her PaPa's arms. On top is Jaxson is playing in the sand next to the pool. And the video shows Jayden lighting fireworks in the Janowicz front yard. We had a really fun time. Lots of food, thanks to everyone, especially Leah and Uncle Chris, and Bridgett. There were a lot of family, friends and dogs running around. The day was breezy, but perfect to sit around poolside and chat and have margarita's. My boyz are growing up. Jayden really gets into the fireworks, lighting them etc. I stayed inside holding Ella and watching Jaxson play a video game. He's not much on noise and smoke either. PaPa and I went home around 9pm and continued to watch the big display off Pismo Pier sitting in back of our truck parked in the street. It was a fitting end to a busy day.